Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Passport Adventures

Anyone who knows me or has spent some time with me knows that I am not the most organized person in the world.  And that is probably a huge understatement.  At work I can keep things in line without issue, file cabinets and organization systems are everywhere for utilization.  For some reason I have not been able to carry that into my personal life.  My most recent lack of organization gave me a good scare.  Maybe it will be enough to get things in better order?  I am getting ready to go and visit my parents that live in the United Arab Emirates next week and everything is coming into line to leave.  Except for one thing…my passport.  I have been unable to find my passport for month and months.  In fact, the last time I remember seeing my passport was when I went to India last January/February.  I started turning my house inside out and upside down looking for this little blue book and still, no luck.  So, reverting back to childhood I used  my mom’s location tactics, go to the last place you remember seeing it.  Well shoot! I don’t remember that, it has been a year since I used – my last international jaunt was to India.  I guess that was a place to start so I looked through things I had brought back.  It wasn’t tucked in any of the handmade notebooks I brought back or stuck between bags of loose black tea.  Maybe it was in my purse that I used?  But what purse was that?  I could not remember for the life of me so I had nothing left to do but go to the pictures.  That seemed like a great idea until I realized I didn’t barely carry a purse there, I used a money belt or didn’t carry anything at all.  This search did provide a nice break from the panic as I got to flip through all the pictures of my last great international adventure.  I looked though all of my pictures and never saw me with a purse.  Next were the pictures my mom had taken.  I flipped through all of those and was getting very discouraged as I neared the end and still had not seen this infamous purse that held such high hopes of discovery.  I had three pictures left and finally I saw it.  Me, sitting at the airport in New Delhi, India waiting to leave, with my purse!  Ah ha! The blue ariat purse that is so handy for travel!  I jumped up with joy and high hopes of discovery and headed straight to the two large storage bins that store my purses.  I dug and dug to the bottoms of the Rubbermaids and much to my dismay, there was no purse.  There was only one hope left, my random box of junk.  I pulled out the box and under a fine layer of cake decorating tools and horse apparel I saw my purse.  I opened it up and there it was, sitting next to $8 and an Indian candy bar – my passport!  I could now continue my great travel adventures!  I could go to the UAE next week!  Yahoo!  Who would have known that it would have been such an affair to locate my book of freedom!  I hope that last nights adventure was enough to get me going and work on organization in my house but only time will tell!

1 comment:

  1. You were very clever to look at the pictures to discover which purse to look in! That is a great bag - you haven't used it in a year? Maybe you will 9 days from now!! We were in India this time last year. I just recommended our agent to a friend heading there in April. I found Naresh's phone number but I wonder if it would work from here? Maybe we will try when you arrive.
