Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Recap of the Latest Country Happenings

     How can time possibly go by this fast?  Life has been touting right along and I haven’t been able to post much (or at all – as you may have noticed).  Life is keeping me very busy at the feedlot and projects in the mill keep me swamped everyday it seems.  Last weekend was a wonderful weekend though, I got to relax all weekend!  I went out with Michael and his parents to help them move cows and their calves on Saturday.  They had to move them from one pasture on one side of the highway to pens on the other side of the highway.  The weather was so nice and the cows were definitely feeling frisky.  So much so they decided to go for an unplanned (on our part) jaunt down the highway!  This was my first time working cattle with them so I stayed back and was mainly an observer.  People have very specific ways and rhythms of working cattle and that method usually runs in the family, hence why I did some serious watching, I was not about to get in the way.  It all ended well and nobody (people or animals) got hurt.  All the pairs got loaded into trailers and moved to a new green (by New Mexico standards) pasture. 
                The rest of the weekend was quiet.  Michael and I stopped at the book store and goodwill to see what treasures we could find.  We hit the book jackpot.  Goodwill was filled with great books, and almost a better selection than the “new” book bookstore.  I am particularly excited about the one book I got called The 19th Wife.  It is about Mormons and polygamy.  Michael’s sister suggested it so I was thrilled to find it for $1.50 at goodwill!  We got about 10 more books that I look forward to diving into.  Nothing makes me feel better than a good find!  Sunday we went to church and then drove around for the most part of the afternoon taking in the countryside.  That was followed by an AMAZING nap and quiet evening.
                Tuesday was an exciting day for me as I had quilt guild.  I hadn’t been for a few months and it was so great to be back!  Our new theme that we are doing is Asian inspired blocks.  I was not very excited at the beginning but after seeing it in person I think this will turn out to be a beautiful quilt!  Some people are using Asian fabrics and others are doing traditional American style prints.  I haven’t decided what direction I will go yet.  First, I better look for some time to start a project, or finish an old one!
                Today is an exciting day because it is my “Friday.”  Tomorrow I leave for Florida! Michael and I are going to visit my Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles.  It should be lots of fun and I will take pictures and make sure to post them next week!

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