Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bonfire Weekend

     Saturday was a colorful day for me.  The day started with an adventure to the sheep and goat sale.  I hadn’t been to this sale before but it was as entertaining as I imagined it would be.  It was jammed packed with people and very few were spectators, most were buying! They started with pigs but we missed those.  They sold the sheep and goats in small groups or solo.  I saw many that I had to restrain not to buy!  I plan on getting sheep this spring so knowing my sheep buying time was yet to come kept me from feeling so bad.  We were definitely the minority at the sale but we all had the same end goal, a delicious dinner. 
                After the sale (we didn’t stay for the cattle so we left about 11:30) we grabbed a good lunch. I had a Philly steak sandwich that was amazing.  One of the best I have ever had.  After that I stopped by work to check in and then went back home for a quick nap.  It sure was quick because Michael and I had to get ready for our Saturday night entertainment.  Michael has been pruning all his trees and has been needing to burn brush so we had people over for a bonfire.  We cooked ribs, made ramen-noodle coleslaw, baked beans that we cooked outside using the dutch oven and other grill-out type foods.  It was cold and windy but once it started to get dark the wind died down and we could start the fire.  This wasn’t any old little fire, this was a monster.  Michael used his tractor to pile brush about 15 – 20 feet high and about 20 feet in diameter.  It was then topped dressed with diesel to really get it going.  The guys told the girls that they needed to use diesel because the wood was so wet it wouldn’t have started well without it.  You can make your judgments on that statement but I think they just wanted an excuse to have a roaring fire quicker.  It sure didn’t take long for it to really get going.  We tried roasting marshmallows for s’mores but didn’t have much success.  The fire was so hot even with 10 foot sticks it was hard to withstand the heat that close to roast your marshmallows.  All it all it was a great fire.  I got to drive the tractor to add more brush which was thrilling because not only was it in the dark but you have to drive almost into the fire to drop it into the correct place.  The next day we had reports of our friends looking sunburned due to the heat so we know it was a success.  I am glad that tree trimming season isn’t done because I can’t wait to have another fire/party soon!

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