Monday, February 20, 2012

Arabian Adventures

What an amazing adventure I have returned from!  My great trip to the United Arab Emirates did not disappoint!  I can’t wait to share all my stories of what I got to see and do while I was gone.  In the mean time though I believe it is time to rest.  My body is so confused with what time it is. I actually did really well by arriving home about 4 PM yesterday, stayed awake for awhile and fell asleep around 6 PM, little did I know that it would be for the long haul.  I slept until 3 AM today and woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Thank goodness I eventually fell back asleep and slept up until my alarm at 5:30ish.  When I walked into work today I had not felt that rested in ages.  It was fabulous.  I have felt great all day and only as evening draws near am I starting to feel the wear of the trip.  I think tonight I will do a little sewing in preparation for quilt guild tomorrow, eat some macaroni and cheese, read a book and fall asleep on the couch with the Bachelor playing in the background.  Sounds like an amazing night doesn’t it!?  More soon to come on the trip details!

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