Thursday, February 23, 2012

40 Bags in 40 Days

The following post should have gone  up yesterday but internet problems kept that from happening...

     Today is the first day of lent.  Many people have the practice of giving something up for the lent season, 40 days.  Some pick alcohol, others chocolate, unhealthy foods or bad habits.  I have never given anything up for lent. It was not something we practiced in my family or the church I grew up in.  This year is different though.  While visiting Florida my Aunt Lisa said she was going to do “40 bags in 40 days.”  Every day you collect a bag and throw it away, give it away or donate it.  I have been wanting to de-clutter for… years.  This year and this time period is a great time to do it.  As lent is a time to prepare us for the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior what a great time for me to clear my life of unnecessary objects and prepare not only my heart but my home and surroundings for this time of year. 
                In addition I suppose there are other motives behind it.  With getting married this summer I will be moving out of my house and into Michael’s after our wedding.  As anyone who knows me is aware, I have tons of “stuff.” And it is exactly that, just stuff.  A smile comes to my face as I think of my house and garage without these useless items that complicate my habitat.  So, today it begins.  My first bag of 40.  My starting place today will be my car – wish me luck, it is a large undertaking for the first day!

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