Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow Day!

Yesterday we had a snow day and it may just go down as the best.day.ever.  With my new job it actually allows for snow days.  I got the call at about 5:30 AM that school was cancelled so I turned over and went right back to sleep.  Fabulous!  I woke up about 8:00 AM to a winter wonderland.  We were one of the least hit areas but still got a good dusting of snow.  The wind really kicked things up so it turned into whiteout conditions.  Thankfully we had gotten all the animals taken care of and ready for the storm on Sunday afternoon so all we had to do is break ice.  By “we” I mean Michael.  He went and fed hay and broke water while I made waffles, bacon and eggs.  By the time he got home breakfast was ready and the relaxing began.  Because we didn’t have to be anywhere or do anything all day we took full advantage of the situation.  
After breakfast we figured the next best step was to make drinks.  Michael went out and grabbed a bunch of snow and made “snow-ritas.”  That’s right, margaritas made with snow instead of blended or on the rocks.  How perfect for a snow day!  There were different flavors that we tried like pomegranate, raspberry and classic margaritas.  All were delicious.  This led to more beverage inventing and cleaning of the liquor cabinet.  There were definitely some bottles finished.  We spent the rest of the day watching movies, laying on the couches and playing with the dogs.
Our dogs usually stay outside and only come in for an evening here and there.  With the snow and wind we decided they deserved a day inside as well.  Let me tell you, those animals got lazy!  We built a monster fire that kept the living room at a live 80-85 degrees and they lounged around all day like it was their job.  They were funny to watch as they would switch from place to place and only get up occasionally to beg for a treat or snack here and there.  I think they were just as appreciative for the day off as I was!
It is so rare that we get to have a day at home.  Actually, we never have had one while we have been together and it was the best thing ever.  I feel rejuvenated and refreshed.  Vacation days are so valuable that I have never taken any to just stay at home.  They are always used to travel or go see family.  I feel as though they have to be made “worth it” by doing something extreme but after yesterday I may need to reevaluate future usage of vacation days.  I have also learned that working in agriculture these days are far and few between.  Animals always need to be fed, watered and cared for.  There is always work to be done and things to be taken care of.  With that being said I cannot express my appreciation and joy for the day that we had yesterday. 
Here are some pictures of our day inside!
Pomegranite snow-rita complete with umbrella
Watching the snow from the lime tree

The Animals actually up and awake!  Checking out the tractor making sure it was bringing more wood to keep the house warm.

Like I said, they moved from one spot to another.  Here Sadie has taken over the cat bed.
If you know Honcho then you know you have just witnessed a miracle.  Living cats don't get this close to Honcho!
This was Honcho's stakeout for the day.  The picture on the left was one of the few I got of him awake.

Mao gave up in the plant area once it got dark and retreated to the couch.  This is one lazy cat.

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