Friday, February 22, 2013

Chicken Alfredo

                With all the milk we have passing through our doors now we also have a large supply of cream.  I was looking for a different way to use it besides making butter and decided to try a new recipe for Alfredo sauce last night.  It turned out delicious! It wasn’t the usual butter, cream and cheese recipe I had used in the past but served to be just as tasty.  Of course, things didn’t fall into place like I had planned and hoped they would but I did the best I could with what I had!  When I got home I realized I had a big problem, I was out of parmesan cheese.  Pretty sure all rule books say you must use parmesan cheese for Alfredo sauce but I was not about to go out in the nasty, cold windy weather so I had to figure out a way around it.  I had bought a block of cheddar/gruyere (yes, a block of both cheeses combined) a few weeks back so I shredded that and also emptied a few bags of whatever was in the cheese drawer.  Those various cheeses combined with fresh milk, cream cheese, butter and black pepper worked out really well.  I sliced and sautéed some chicken breasts, added sundried tomatoes and put it all over spinach and chive linguine and it turned into a delicious meal!  The best part was that it was quick to prepare.  Michael made a roaring fire in the fire place that we enjoyed as we ate our quick and hardy meal.  I usually forget about making my own sauce but tonight was a reminder of how easy and yummy it can be!
Some Basic Math:
= Yummy!

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