Thursday, February 21, 2013

An Update on the Twins

The twins that were both Jan. 8th are doing great.  We have named them Dolly and Star (Can you guess their future occupation?)  They are growing like weeds!  Blue is also the happiest cow alive!  In a traditional dairy situation she would have her calf and then they would be separated so the cow can milk.  It is like Blue knows she is lucky to have her babies arouund and she is so happy to be able to be a full-fledged mom!  She produces more milk than her calves can handle so we purchased additional baby calves so they are also nurse and benefit from her massive milk supply. 

We also have gone back to cheese making and milk drinking.  I don’t drink the milk because it can pack on the pounds like crazy due to it being so rich but Michael goes to town on it.  He claims that I shouldn’t worry about because he skims the cream off the top once it settles thus making it skimmed milk.  I’m not falling for it!  Tonight I look forward to using some of the cream and milk to make a homemade alfredo sauce!  Pictures of supper to follow but for now some shots of the babies! 
Momma Blue

Star taking a rest in the middle of the hay ring.

Star is a wild girl!

Bedding down for the night.

Honcho at attention, ready to work.

One of the calves we bought - checking out what goods Hooker has to offer.

Dolly ready to play.

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