Monday, February 18, 2013

A Weekend Away

          This weekend Michael and I got a wild hair and decided to get a way for a couple of nights. I have been traveling for work for 5 weeks straight (during the week, home on the weekends and a few nights a week if I am lucky) so we wanted to get some quality time together. Friday morning we decided that San Antonio would be a good place to aim for. I got off work a few hours early and came home, repacked (which was easy because I hadn’t unpacked from the week yet) and we got in the car and headed out! We made it about an hour and forty five minutes out of San Antonio before stopping for the night.

Saturday we headed the rest of the way into San Antonio. I had never been to San Antonio so we figured our first stop should be the Alamo. After visiting the Alamo I would now equate the Alamo with Mecca for Texans. They are just plain crazy about it. I understand the historical significance and what it stands for as a Texan but WOW they proud of it. Did you know that thefamous curved front façade of the Alamo actually wasn’t added on to until 1850 when the U.S. Army was rebuilding it to turn it into a warehouse? Maybe you already knew that but it was a new fact for me! I enjoyed getting to learn more about the Alamo and its role in U.S. history. It was also because Michael is a born and raised New Mexican and he likes to constantly share the differences in history that Texans like to share and New Mexicans like to share. Apparently some historians like to leave out some facts and make maps that are slightly different from the truth, at least according to some New Mexicans. I am no historian, this is just me repeating what I have heard, enough said about that before I get in big trouble with my Texan friends!

After the Alamo we went to the River Walk and moseyed around for the afternoon. The weather was a fantastic sunny 70⁰ and perfect for relaxing outside. We ate lunch along the River Walk and enjoyed people watching. Saturday night we ate at a fantastic Mediterranean restaurant and we both over indulged. It was a packed house which made for a fun atmosphere. It was a very enjoyable meal! Sunday we spent the day at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. Once again the weather was perfect! We got to the grounds mid morning so we didn’t have to fight with the crowds, which there turned out to be a lot of later on. We got to check out different animals, eat some quality fair food and meander through the many different vendors. It was the perfect way to spend a day. By the time we were getting tired the crowds really started to pick up so we headed back on the road towards home. We did the drive straight through and it took about 9 hours so we were tired by the time we got home!

It was a quick trip that could have easily been extended another few days but I was so tired from being gone so much I was ready to come home. Due to it being President’s day I have the day off work. I have finally been able to catch up on laundry and get some of the house cleaned. It is so relaxing to be able to be at home without an agenda a mile long! It has been a whirlwind weekend but a very enjoyable and memorable one!
Michael and I at the Alamo - 2/16/13
Very old Live Oak at the Alamo
Our view from lunch down the River Walk
My favorite!
Due to the bright sun you can't detect my extreme excitement for the "Hot Beef Sundae" I was about to dig into. - San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo -
A close up of one of my new favorite fair foods!


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