Friday, March 2, 2012

Spring Chicken Order

This week I had the excitement of placing my spring chicken order.  I don’t have much experience with chickens because well, look at my background.  My mom, a teacher, hatched them with her class one year and that was the most I have been around them.  Looking at all the pretty pictures and reading the descriptions of different breeds was fun and made for some wild ideas.  I still don’t have my chicken coop finished but the plan is in place.  I have a human sized doll house that will soon be home to the ladies I have ordered.  I think they will love it!  It is at my house but since the chickens will live at Michael’s I still need to move the doll house and make it chicken ready.  The pressure is now on since we have an estimated arrival date!  The first date being later this month and the second shipment coming the middle of April.  I ordered a total of 28 chicks.  There are 11 varieties total.  I am a fan of the buff colored chickens so many are buff in color.  I also ordered some that lay blue/green/purple colored eggs.  I simply can’t wait for the arrival of the chicks!  Later this spring we hope to get some for butchering but these will be layers and I am counting down the days until their arrival!  Wish me luck in the chicken department!

 Some Examples of all natural colored eggs - they really come in these colors naturally from the chicken!

Buff Rocks - One of the breed I ordered

Buff Laced Polish - Another breed I ordered.  It wears a rather comical "hat"!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man is this going to be fun! I can't wait to see them as chicks - will they have their little top-knots or is that something they get when they mature?
