Monday, February 27, 2012

Surprise Weekend Away

                This weekend I was treated to a great surprise.  Michael whisked me away for the ski trip he had given me for Christmas!  I worked Saturday morning and after work gathered my bag and we got on the road.  Our first stop was the blue hole which is by Santa Rosa, New Mexico.  I had never been to this site but had witnessed the billboards along the highways for many, many miles.  The blue hole wasn’t nearly as large as I imagined it to be, or not nearly as blue but regardless it was a neat site.  It was packed with scuba divers working on different levels of certification or skills courses.  The water was fresh and I think I will put it on my list of places I need to go to cool off this summer!  Next we continued on to Las Vegas, New Mexico to eat at a great Mexican restaurant that has some of the best green chili salsa and sauces I have ever tasted.  We then moseyed to Montezuma, NM to see the hot springs and beautiful castle that was built by the railroad to entertain guests.  There are many beautiful houses in Las Vegas that do not fit the typical adobe style houses and buildings of the area.  When Las Vegas was a large railroad town people moved in from the east and their style of architecture followed them.  When driving through these neighborhoods it hardly feels like you are in New Mexico!  After that we worked towards our final destination of Taos!  It was my first time to Taos and I loved it!  We stayed at a great motel that fit the New Mexico style, served chocolate chip cookies on arrival and had great clean rooms and friendly staff.  We arrived a little after dinner time and we weren’t that hungry so we headed out in search of good beer.  We made it to Eske’s Beer Pub.  They brew their own beer and we got to sample 7 of their brews.  My favorite was called the Dead Presidents Cherry Ale (or something like that – it tasted so good but dulled my memory slightly).  I do not like fruit flavored beer but this was pleasant and beckoned for more.  Their most peculiar tasting was the green chili beer.  It smelled and tasted amazingly, just like green chilies.  It was as though instead of squeezing in lime juice someone swapped it for pepper juice.  It was even spicy which tricked my head because usually I will take a drink of beer to calm the heat down but this time it didn’t help at all!  After that we headed over to the Taos Inn which happened to have a live swing band playing.  They had 4 band members and all were talented and entertaining.  The crowd and atmosphere were equally as great.  Everyone was up on their feet jumping and jiving to the upbeat and infectious music, Michael and myself included.  It was a great way to spend a Saturday night and we thoroughly enjoyed a night out on the town!
                Sunday was set aside for skiing at Taos.  What a day it was.  The weather was great, about 45 degrees and sunny.  It wasn’t too crowded and the people that were there were friendly and polite.  I haven’t skied in about 8 years (with the exception of in Dubai about a week and a half ago!) so it was a rather slow day for me.  I am proud to say that I only fell once and it was when I was standing still at the bottom of the mountain (very embarrassing)!  We skied all day and then headed on the long road home (actually it doesn’t take that long but after skiing all day it sure feels like it!)  I got home and found out I got a great souvenir of a killer sunburn.  Apparently the sunscreen in my moisturizer wasn’t enough  to handle the high altitude, strong sun and reflective snow.  I wore sunglasses and a hat so I have pale eyes and about an inch and a half of a pale forehead and the rest of me about as red as a fresh cooked lobster.  Needless to say, I have gotten many looks as I have been around work and town today!  Regardless it was well worth it for the great weekend I had! 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Spring Fever!

I’ve got spring fever! It has been beautiful out lately of you can ignore the wind.  Where I live that is nearly impossible.  It has blown everyday this week at least over 30 mph (topped out at high 40s from what I have heard).  That is 4 straight days of crazy wind!  BUT today, it is finally calm.  It is cooler today, only mid 50’s but it is still gorgeous!  It makes me want to go out and do everything and anything outside!  I want to walk the dogs, work on the yard, ride my horse Hooker, work with my horse Dexter, take a nap in the hammock and… you get the idea.  Now all I need to do is find more hours in the day!  I am so happy that it is Friday and with the exception of having to work a half day tomorrow I have a free weekend!  Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

40 Bags in 40 Days

The following post should have gone  up yesterday but internet problems kept that from happening...

     Today is the first day of lent.  Many people have the practice of giving something up for the lent season, 40 days.  Some pick alcohol, others chocolate, unhealthy foods or bad habits.  I have never given anything up for lent. It was not something we practiced in my family or the church I grew up in.  This year is different though.  While visiting Florida my Aunt Lisa said she was going to do “40 bags in 40 days.”  Every day you collect a bag and throw it away, give it away or donate it.  I have been wanting to de-clutter for… years.  This year and this time period is a great time to do it.  As lent is a time to prepare us for the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior what a great time for me to clear my life of unnecessary objects and prepare not only my heart but my home and surroundings for this time of year. 
                In addition I suppose there are other motives behind it.  With getting married this summer I will be moving out of my house and into Michael’s after our wedding.  As anyone who knows me is aware, I have tons of “stuff.” And it is exactly that, just stuff.  A smile comes to my face as I think of my house and garage without these useless items that complicate my habitat.  So, today it begins.  My first bag of 40.  My starting place today will be my car – wish me luck, it is a large undertaking for the first day!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Arabian Adventures

What an amazing adventure I have returned from!  My great trip to the United Arab Emirates did not disappoint!  I can’t wait to share all my stories of what I got to see and do while I was gone.  In the mean time though I believe it is time to rest.  My body is so confused with what time it is. I actually did really well by arriving home about 4 PM yesterday, stayed awake for awhile and fell asleep around 6 PM, little did I know that it would be for the long haul.  I slept until 3 AM today and woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Thank goodness I eventually fell back asleep and slept up until my alarm at 5:30ish.  When I walked into work today I had not felt that rested in ages.  It was fabulous.  I have felt great all day and only as evening draws near am I starting to feel the wear of the trip.  I think tonight I will do a little sewing in preparation for quilt guild tomorrow, eat some macaroni and cheese, read a book and fall asleep on the couch with the Bachelor playing in the background.  Sounds like an amazing night doesn’t it!?  More soon to come on the trip details!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bonfire Weekend

     Saturday was a colorful day for me.  The day started with an adventure to the sheep and goat sale.  I hadn’t been to this sale before but it was as entertaining as I imagined it would be.  It was jammed packed with people and very few were spectators, most were buying! They started with pigs but we missed those.  They sold the sheep and goats in small groups or solo.  I saw many that I had to restrain not to buy!  I plan on getting sheep this spring so knowing my sheep buying time was yet to come kept me from feeling so bad.  We were definitely the minority at the sale but we all had the same end goal, a delicious dinner. 
                After the sale (we didn’t stay for the cattle so we left about 11:30) we grabbed a good lunch. I had a Philly steak sandwich that was amazing.  One of the best I have ever had.  After that I stopped by work to check in and then went back home for a quick nap.  It sure was quick because Michael and I had to get ready for our Saturday night entertainment.  Michael has been pruning all his trees and has been needing to burn brush so we had people over for a bonfire.  We cooked ribs, made ramen-noodle coleslaw, baked beans that we cooked outside using the dutch oven and other grill-out type foods.  It was cold and windy but once it started to get dark the wind died down and we could start the fire.  This wasn’t any old little fire, this was a monster.  Michael used his tractor to pile brush about 15 – 20 feet high and about 20 feet in diameter.  It was then topped dressed with diesel to really get it going.  The guys told the girls that they needed to use diesel because the wood was so wet it wouldn’t have started well without it.  You can make your judgments on that statement but I think they just wanted an excuse to have a roaring fire quicker.  It sure didn’t take long for it to really get going.  We tried roasting marshmallows for s’mores but didn’t have much success.  The fire was so hot even with 10 foot sticks it was hard to withstand the heat that close to roast your marshmallows.  All it all it was a great fire.  I got to drive the tractor to add more brush which was thrilling because not only was it in the dark but you have to drive almost into the fire to drop it into the correct place.  The next day we had reports of our friends looking sunburned due to the heat so we know it was a success.  I am glad that tree trimming season isn’t done because I can’t wait to have another fire/party soon!