Monday, March 4, 2013

The Couscous Incident

The other night while I was making chicken alfredo I was reaching to get some items out of the fridge and knocked out a Tupperware container filled with left over couscous from supper the night before.  Not only did it fall from high up in the fridge (we have one where the freezer is on the bottom) but it happened to explode all over once it hit the ground.  Couscous went everywhere.  There may have been a few choice words that jumped out of my mouth but I grabbed the dust pan and hand broom and started cleaning it up.  There was a pretty wide area of impact so I just swept up anything in the area.  Turned out our floor was pretty darn dirty.  Because the entire container had been ruined I decided that it would be good chicken feed.  This also meant that it didn’t matter that I empty the dust pan into the Tupperware container, it was going to go outside anyway.  I set the Tupperware on the counter to bring out to the chickens later and went on with my supper not thinking twice of what had happened.  Boy was I wrong.

                Yesterday when I started making dinner I opened the fridge and saw the Tupperware container that had the couscous in it was on the shelf in the fridge.  I turned to Michael and said, “You know, we don’t need to keep this in the fridge, it’s for the chickens.”  Michael gave me a confused look and said, “Why would it be for the chickens?  It’s perfectly good for leftovers.”  At this point I got worried.  I proceeded to tell Michael, “No, it is what spilled all over our filthy floor the other night.  I swept it up and had it on the counter to go to the chickens.  Everything spilled and I put all the grime back in the container, the chickens will love it.”  All I was returned with was an even grimmer look from Michael.  The next words out of his mouth were, “Well, I sure missed that.  I ate couscous for lunch!”  My goodness, did this really happen?  I am surprised this man is not dead on the floor.  I have not swept or mopped our floors in… a very long time.  The things that went into the container are indescribable.  I guess I have learned my lesson.  Either feed the chickens right away or make sure the food makes it into our usual chicken scrap buckets.  I guess it is just a strengthening of the immune system!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear! I could just see Michael's face! That was my good laugh to start my day ~
