Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Long Time Dreams Achieved

I am so excited to see a dear friend of mine embark on a new adventure tomorrow.  It makes me yearn for the days past but want to jump ahead to adventures yet to come.  My friend is leaving for a grand trip to South Korea tomorrow to live and teach for the next 2 years (+, -, ?). The thrills of learning a new culture, language and the art of living as the minority entangle me in dreams of days past.  The first few weeks living in Mexico thinking I would never survive being there.  The last few weeks in Mexico thinking I could never survive not being there.
     How do you find the balance?  How can you tell when it is finally that point in time to throw in the cards and depart on a big expedition?  Is there ever a right time?  What about career and family?  Tradition and routine?  Leaving for great adventure is so appealing as I tell my employer at every review that I have that I am ready to move on to international work.  A few hours after this confession a new sense washes over me.  What about the life I have created (or been given by The Master Creator) here is West Texas?  What about my horses, my dogs, my niece and nephew or the rest of my family?  Can I really leave it all for an undetermined amount of time to work and explore? 
     I look around me and to the Lord for signs that my time as come, to raise the mast and cast open the sails for the next journey to take me to further happiness and success.  As I do this I wish the best of luck to my friend Megan.  As she leaves to act on the dreams that we used to talk about in room 214 of the sorority house our sophomore year of college.  How we would become cultured, well traveled women of the world.  Best of luck my friend, I know you will do grand.  And remember, just like we used to recite every night.  At the end of the day you are only allowed 1 negative but double the amount of positives.  Go get 'em girl.

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