Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Honcho the Unlucky Dog

I have a Jack Russell Terrier named Honcho.  He is a chubby mess and I love him to pieces.  Honcho has had some unlucky moments in the last few months.  The poor guy just can’t seem to catch a break.  A few months ago Honcho had a sudden disappearance.  We could not find him anywhere.  He has been staying down at the orchard with Michael so he can run and play and be a dog all day long.  Michael called and said he couldn’t find him.  I went down and looked and couldn’t find him anywhere either.  We looked everywhere.  And then we looked some more.  He was still nowhere to be found.  The next day he still had not been discovered and I was going hoarse from calling for him so much.  I continued my search to no avail.  Michael has a hill built up around his water pressure tank for his house so I thought I would crawl to the top so I could have a lookout point in search of my 10 inch tall white dog.  I climbed to the top and realized that the lid was open on the access door.  For some odd reason I looked in and wouldn’t you know, there was Honcho staring up at me wondering where I have been!  He was within 30 feet of the front door of the house the entire time!  He must have barked so much when he first fell in that he couldn’t bark anymore for us to find him.  Thank goodness we found the sweet little guy!
                This past weekend Honcho went missing again.  He had been spending lots of time out with Blue and the babies so we thought he may have been out there.  We looked all afternoon and evening on Saturday to no avail.  I was getting nervous.  With the disappearance of two other dogs of the family I had the worst in the back of my mind.  Sunday the search continued.  Michael decided it was time to start thinking like the dog – what space could he possibly get stuck in?  That’s what always happens with him so why would this time be any different?  He checked the water tank house and no Honcho.  Suddenly it dawned on Michael – we had been moving around and unloading the trailer Saturday afternoon and he kept running in and out of it.  Off Michael went to the trailer parked by Blue and the horses.  He peeked in and what did he find looking up at him innocently? Honcho!  How this dog is so unlucky to get trapped everywhere I do not know.  I am thinking I need to get an orange bike flag like little kids get and tie it to him so we can always keep track of him.  This little guy is going to get into some serious trouble his he doesn’t start watching out for himself!  Thank goodness he was found because I am not sure I could take losing another dog!

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