Monday, May 2, 2011

Solo Steak

Cooking for one is not always fun.  Who is there to divide doing the dishes with or discuss the high points or not so tasteful parts of the meal? Planning a meal is exciting, trying to put together sides to compliment a new dish or try something new but can't all that work get old? How many times do I have friends over and I panic that there won't be enough macaroni salad or baked beans? (Very frequently let me tell you!)
     There is one food though that I truly enjoy basking in the glory all by myself.  That food is steak.  Solid, red, American raised beef.  Since I work in the beef industry I feel it is only my obligation to support my livlihood! (No - this is not a promo, I really just love beef and everything about it) As needed I buy ribeye rolls wholesale.  Cryovacked hunks of meat that have never been frozen.  I take that meat and let it sit and age in my freezer for an extra 2 - 4 weeks and then cut steaks and repackage them as I see fit. (Packs of 1 to 4 steaks) There is no need to cut a thin steak, a 1/2 inch thick ribeye is fine, but couldbe far better at an inch and a quarter or thicker.  And so I cut, one steak at a time and listen as my tummy begins to grumble. 
    After cutting all those steaks I have to give into my cravings and eat the fruits of my hard labor.  Conveniently, I have cut steaks on a weekend when all my friends are out of town.  Sure, I would love to share the company with friends but I am tackling this all on my own.  One of my favorite parts?  I don't prepare sides, I don't plan out a menu.  My menu is one thing: solid ribeye.  I get my charcoal grill piping hot and on goes the steak.  Cooked to my taste (medium) I enjoy in all the glory of this delicious American meal.  I let my thoughts run wild with the equisite taste of beef and the anticipation of what's to come.  My mind wanders to the advantages of a solo steak and here are my top five reasons it is the best food to eat solo:
     - I don't have to worry about making sides or intense meal planning - it is complete in itself. Beef and beef.
     - There is only one dish to wash, my plate. (Plus knife and fork, but I sure won't have to use that knife much with as tender as it is!)
     - My thoughts can wander as they like and taste buds can run wild without the interuption of small talk or requests for more milk or salad.
     - There for sure won't be any leftovers, it's just that good!
     - Grocery shopping for extra ingredients? Yeah right, protein, salt and pepper please!

My list could run on for days.... but I won't let that happen.  Just remember, the next time you are feeling lonely and tired of dining solo, do not fret!  Find a store, buy a steak and indulge, it will change your outlook on everything!

Now that I am craving beef I think it's time to indulge....

Happy dining!